What does it take to play poker for a living?

Home What does it take to play poker for a living?

bitB Spins is the right answer to this question.

This is the place where you can find support, strategy, coaching sessions, learning materials, a free GTO solver, and a warm and cozy community full of poker pros.

Sounds like heaven, huh?

bitB Spins gives you full strategy and guidance, no matter the stakes you are playing. We help our members at all stake levels thanks to our head coaches and at the same time, we keep our gates open for everyone who wants to join our team of Spin & Go beasts.

Today we want to share a few tips about what playing poker for a living truly means:


 The first thing you need to play any game for a living is patience.

You have to get used to the thought that you will spend many hours in front of the computer, speaking with your own mind, making scenarios and experiencing all kinds of feelings. Playing poker for or a living requires extreme mental discipline and a steady game plan. It’s a good idea to record how many hours you play each day and what your total profit for the day is.

This way, you won’t get affected too much by variance and you keep on playing your A-game. This is what online poker is and this is how it should be. If you choose to prioritize poker you choose to risk a lot of things that are part of your day-to-day life.

But don’t worry you will get more than a financial reward: you will receive freedom, fame, and a new understanding of what life really is.


No matter what, you must move up in stakes.

Making good money from playing Spin & Go’s is not a very hard thing to achieve. It is a goal that can be easily touched if you are doing the right things. The first thing you need to do is assess your skill level. As mentioned, the golden era of poker is a bit behind us, and beating the games these days is no longer a walk in the park.

You must learn, study, ask for help in order to move up in stakes.

What moving up in stakes really means?

We have the answer to this question too: it means that you are a person who aims for more and that in the near future you will surely reach the top as a poker player.


Utilize available resources to improve

Like we have already said at the very beginning, here at bitB Spins we offer all our members tools that can help them improve their learning process. We have our own GTO solver which can be used outside of the tables while analyzing your hands, many learning materials, and recorded or live coaching sessions with our top Spin & Go coaches.

Being friends with other players that are playing for a living is crucial to being successful at poker. You need people that are willing to tell you when you played a hand badly and how they think you can improve. The good news about this is that it usually helps both players or the entire group to get better. Poker pros seem to run in “cells,” and the cells live and die together.

Here at bitB Spins we have THE STRONGEST poker community ready to answer all your questions.


Making good money from poker takes more discipline than you might think.

It is true that you are not training for being a ninja warrior, but you have to act like one. A good poker player must know when to stop and to fight until it bleeds. Once you choose to turn to poker full time, you have to give it your best every time you play and control your mindset. That means leaving all the emotional burden on the side when you sit down at the table and focusing on that particular session.

Your job is to play your best game all the time. No matter if it is day or night if you are having a good day or a bad day. Think of poker as a theatre scene: you have to perform and you have to do it at your maximum potential.


If you still have questions or insecurities, we invite you to:





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