Balaton Trip 2023

Home Balaton Trip 2023

Over the past few years, it has been particularly useful that poker is essentially a remote workplace. The only downside has been our regular meetings, which took a backseat. Nevertheless, this year, we aimed to compensate for the missed gatherings by hosting a meeting at Lake Balaton.



It’s always a peculiar feeling when you meet people with whom you communicate on a daily basis, even forming friendships, but you rarely meet in person. Still, this wasn’t an issue; everyone bonded over dinner in Budapest on the first evening.

The next day, we went in small groups to the accommodation on Lake Balaton, where one of our coaches, PislogiK, prepared a delicious dinner. As time went by, the consumption of spirits increased in direct proportion to the number of side bets placed on table football, ping pong, and pool.

Considering that almost everyone present spends at least a couple hundred hours a month on poker-related things, it was a no-brainer to have a tournament on the first night. The extremely fast blind levels and the short drinks consumed guaranteed a fierce battle and a GTO game.


The following day, we conducted a coaching session centered on the psychological aspects of poker, guided by a sports psychologist. His firm collaborates with numerous athletes gearing up for the 2024 Paris Olympics. Thus, we’re confident our players are receiving top-notch guidance.

There were plenty of intriguing sights and activities to indulge in. We toured the Szigligeti Castle and its food court before enjoying a sail on Lake Balaton. While the weather wasn’t exactly in our favor, everyone still found pleasure in swimming and diving into the lake.

After a day filled with sailing and swimming, our enthusiasm didn’t wane. We dove into a friendly yet intense go-kart race. The rain gave it an unexpected twist, making the track slick and the race all the more thrilling.

People had come from all corners of the world, with some flying from distant lands and others driving across Europe to attend. Yet, by the end of the meeting, it was evident from the expressions on everyone’s faces that they wished the three days hadn’t ended so quickly. The journey was undeniably worth it. In this brief period, we packed in a wealth of experiences, transforming our relationships from online colleagues and pals into genuine friendships.

See you next year! 🙂



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